I found this inspiring work by pushak: moss your city
a whole art exhibit with moss architectural walls
makes me want to linger and lounge up against them..
Norwegian architectural firm pushak (camilla langeland, sissil morseth gromholt, marthe melbye,
and gyda drage kleiva) has designed an installation featuring an indoor moss landscape for
the architecture foundation in london, england. 'moss your city' is a part of AF's exchange
program for young and emerging architects in norway and the UK. the aim of the project
was to encourage foresting initiatives in urban settings by creating a space using natural
and gyda drage kleiva) has designed an installation featuring an indoor moss landscape for
the architecture foundation in london, england. 'moss your city' is a part of AF's exchange
program for young and emerging architects in norway and the UK. the aim of the project
was to encourage foresting initiatives in urban settings by creating a space using natural
resources that appealed to the senses in colour and scent. the installation is also an active
hub for events and group activities, allowing people to gather and foster positive ideas